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Tokyo, Japan

A pigeon visits and perches on a tree in the botanical garden. Inspired by various colours of the earth and some birds, both extinct and still living.

Interview with nomoco

Postfossil: Hello! What is your name and where are you from?

Hi, my name is nomoco, and I’m from Fukuoka, Japan. I’m currently in Tokyo after 14 years based in London, UK.

Postfossil: How do you work?

I mainly work with ink on paper in my studio. Work often happens in unpredictable ways even after careful planning.

Postfossil: What inspires you?

Nature, sound, and everyday life. I’m inspired by all sorts of things!


Postfossil: What are you up to right now?

I’m currently working on a picture poetry book, and learning lithography. I also started to drink coffee again (great!) and started living with a Dischidia.

Postfossil: How did you start the design process of the flag?

It originally started by looking into various colours of the earth, such as soil, oceon, forest and creatures. From something around me to something extinct. I experimented with colours, then the flow of water, on different types of paper.

Postfossil: What do you want to express with your design of the flag?

I wanted to create a small scene that would be surrounded by the trees in the botanical garden. Inspired by the Choiseul crested pigeon – I imagined a bird, the last of its kind, that flies through time looking for a mate by decorating his crest with various colours of the earth.

Postfossil: What is your wish for the future of the planet?

For humans to act and care for nature and the environment on the planet as well as each other.

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